I bicycle around the city as its quick to get around, and you can weave around the traffic and take the bumpy scenic back roads! Weirdly I am so comfortable cycling around Kathmandu, but have only tried it once in London - all those cycle lanes coming and going, with all drivers on autopilot, made me nervous! At least in Kathmandu, it is organised chaos - despite the traffic weaving around, moving everywhere, squeezing everywhere, they are all very aware of the road. You even get used to the customary horn 'beep' everytime a car passes any other moving object!
Its a lot of fun too; I have had plenty of random chats with taxi drivers or tuktuk passengers whilst at traffic lights, even lost a flipflop or two mid-cycle during monsoon. Its also a great way to learn about the city, find your way around - and sometimes you find the best places when you get lost!