Before I left Kathmandu, with the A/W 2010 production all quality checked and sent to the UK, I managed to get out of the city for 2 days - was a breath of fresh air, quite literally!
It has been quite hard this time to get out the city, with manufacturers having their weekly days off/holidays on different days, there is always some work to do, especially with the manufacturers scattered at opposite ends of the city! So I was really happy to get out of Kathmandu briefly before I left. I went to Kurintar, which is 95 km west from Kathmandu, on the way to Pokhara. With friends, I went camping on the riverside, across the swinging metal footbridge, then up to Mamakamana Temple on the only cable car in Nepal!
Manakamana is the name of a Hindu Goddess, and it is believed that the Goddess fulfils the wishes of people....and if the wish comes true, you have to go back to the temple to thank the gods. And I am not telling you what I wished for!
The ten minute cable car ride from Kurintar to Manakamana, is amazing. It rises over 1000 metres, and has incredible views of the Nepali countryside, though no himalaya views because of the monsoon, but the rain clouds are really eery spilling over the mountains - awesthome! The view kept me silent the whole way up and down.
Though only in Nepal do they stop the cable car for 1.5 hrs for 'lunch' so took us ages to get back down with the endless queues of locals, indian tourists and sacrificed goats in plastic bags....
Posted via email from AURA QUE