AURA QUE is not just about the finished products; its about the fair trade producers and their families that I work directly with, the constant challenges working in Nepal, as well as all the people I meet on my travels....

29 April 2010

Double Introduction to India

Despite travelling through India many times, I have never been to see the Taj Mahal, so thought we would take a look before I met my leather suppliers at their tannery further north, on our way overland to Nepal.

So we hopped on a train to Agra from Delhi. Unfortunately, my friend Nick, who has come along for the ride, developed severe 'Delhi Belly' on his second day in India -ooooops! He reckoned he was going to die from food poisoning, I told him he was not. But poor guy, its not a nice way to be introduced to India!! So it has meant an extra few days in Agra until he feels better - so I'm making good use of my time: catching up on emails via wifi, sketching my design ideas and sunbathing - though I did drag Nick out to see the Taj Mahal at 5.30am this morn!

27 April 2010

Finally made it to Delhi!

So after the airspace closure, a few days of "will we or will we not fly", then a 5 day delay, me and my friend Nick finally made it to Delhi!!! Straight into the 42 degree heat, crazy construction for the commonwealth games later this year, and the 16 million people that live in the city. Cor blimey, it takes a while to get your head round!

I took a pic of these kids on a narrow street in Delhi, in an autorickshaw on their way back from school, with all their school backpacks hung on the back - love the colours and the chaos and how unfazed these kids are by it all!

19 April 2010

Welcome to my new blog! I started AURA QUE nearly two years and have entertained my friends, family and co-workers with stories of my trips to Nepal and India, but now I have finally managed to start blogging... As well updates of products, including previews of new collections, I am going to share with you what happens behind the scenes at AURA QUE...

Laura Queening