AURA QUE is not just about the finished products; its about the fair trade producers and their families that I work directly with, the constant challenges working in Nepal, as well as all the people I meet on my travels....

23 November 2011

Good luck for business on a Tuesday from Ganesh


Every Tuesday at the Ganesh Mandir in Kathmandu, various business owners, individuals and locals, come to the temple as a tradition on this day of good luck for Ganesh, the elephant-headed Hindu God of good fortune.


I have been around to the temple with friends on this day, when in the area, and seen the queues of people at the temple, leaving offerings, lighting candles and receiving blessings to give them good luck and 'auspicious beginnings'.


Hope it will bring us some more good luck at AURA QUE!!


Posted via email from AURA QUE

1 November 2011

After years of political squabbling, there may be a turning point for political peace in Nepal!

With the festivities over, its good to see that Nepali politicians are back at work, with intensive talks towards a peace deal secured yesterday.  Its been five years since the end of the Maoist civil war here, the subsequent 'peace process' and various prime ministers and president nominations and resignations.


With the political failings and squabblings over the last few years, creating even more ecomonic problems in Nepal, I really hope for Nepal that this may be a turning point in the country's development and progress. The current Maoist prime minister, Baburam Bhattarai (previously a successful finance minister) seems to be making positive changes to encourage peace, cooperation and reduce corrupt politics here.

Anyway I have probably said too much as a foreigner working in Nepal.....though it may not be my place to be opinionated or political, over the last few years, it has been prevalent how the corrupt politics here have stunted all development and legitimate business progress and export possibilities of Nepali goods. Hopefully positive changes will be made, I am crossing my fingers anyway!!

For more information on the current political situation, please see the BBC News link below - they can explain things much more adequately than I ever could!

Posted via email from AURA QUE