AURA QUE is not just about the finished products; its about the fair trade producers and their families that I work directly with, the constant challenges working in Nepal, as well as all the people I meet on my travels....

31 August 2011

The new AURA QUE Autumn/Winter 2011 Collection is available now!

After months of preparation in Nepal, the AURA QUE Autumn/Winter Collection is now in the UK and available to purchase! We have our classic bag range which now combines our soft buffalo leather with handknitted banana yarn in tonal colours of black, brown and grey.  The popular neck scarves with leather tabs are available in plain coloured cable or a variety of stripes, and the Jogi Shopper has been made in a thick cotton drill, with matching purses. Take a look!

We are excited to show our new collection and hope you all like it! Until 15th September, we are offering all customers a 10% discount - enter the code HIMALAYA into the online checkout to receive your discount.

Until stocks last, we are also offering a free matching purse for all jogi bag orders, or a free small leather goods item for all leather bags orders (over £70).


Posted via email from AURA QUE