Above: Several workers had holiday leave , so here is several of the producers: - from left to right:
Kumar, Shyam, Bel, Maita, Me!, Kamala, Man Bahadur, Alka, Surya Kala, Bhagawati, Shanti.
Below: The regular product spread at NLT, and Bharat Neupane, who is the fantastic production manager for NLT.
Also, when i was showing my parents around the NLT office, they had all their usual product collection laid out for a meeting with one of the big charity buyers - such as Tearfund, Traidcraft and Ten Thousand villages (who buy products already designed by handicraft charity units such as NLT). So we had a look!
My products are designed individually by myself only for AURA QUE, and then we work through the sampling process with Kumar, Ram and Shyam. And these are very different style and price range from the regular offering they produce.
Posted via email from AURA QUE