AURA QUE is not just about the finished products; its about the fair trade producers and their families that I work directly with, the constant challenges working in Nepal, as well as all the people I meet on my travels....

15 June 2010

I dont think that bright pink leather with zebra print is really my style?!

So I got to Delhi, had a couple of meetings, and got to catch up with Kirat, a good university friend from LCF Cordwainers College, before heading on the 14 hr round trip by train to visit the leather tannery I am working with.  I had to check my leather production before it was to be road freighted up to Kathmandu.  But I had to put this picture into the blog - of Faiz, the leather technician, who I was talking to while waiting for the leather pieces.  I asked him what his favourite leather was, and I am not sure if it was lost in translation, as he came running back holding up a bright pink hair-on cow leather with a black zebra print on top.   It was very funny, I was in shock! But I dont think this leather is suitable for the next AURA QUE collection...

With my train back booked for 7pm, to take 7 hrs back to Delhi, just in time for my flight back to London in the morning (yes, all abit hectic), the tannery director wanted to check if my train was running on time, and with a bit of a gasp, we found out it was running 5hrs late.....PANIC!  With Indian trains booking up like crazy in advance, my only option was to take the 8pm bus that got me into Delhi at 8am.  Just in time for breakfast and straight to the airport! Pooooped!

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