AURA QUE is not just about the finished products; its about the fair trade producers and their families that I work directly with, the constant challenges working in Nepal, as well as all the people I meet on my travels....

8 August 2010

Meet Chimsi, who works at the Nepal Leprosy Trust...

One of the biggest characters I have met in Nepal, is Chimsi, who works at the Nepal Leprosy Trust, doing odd jobs around the building.  The factory where we make some of the AURA QUE leather products, supports the Nepal Leprosy Trust, helping people who have been affected with leprosy, as well as education and empowerment programmes in Kathmandu and the Lalguardh hospital near Janakhpur, South Nepal.

When I am working at NLT, I work directly with the producers in the factory, working out patterns, ways to make new designs etc etc. Its a great way to get to know the workers, though I REALLY need to improve my Nepali language! Chimsi has provided many comedy moments, by walking slowly into the room, and shouting gruff Nepali at me (she is partially deaf) about whether I wanted milk tea, or the weather or whatever...and with her exaggerated movements and funny one liners, she would have the rest of the factory workers in hysterics. Either that or she would creep up on me and give me the fright of my life, or just sit there and watch me work!

She has worked at NLT for over 20 years, and is married to Makuram Nepali, who used to work in the factory before he retired.  They both live in the accomodation block funded by NLT nearby to the factory - its built around a courtyard, and i park my bike round the side entrance, greeted by a huge 'NAMASTE DIDI!!" by Makuram who is sitting by the window of their place.  I didnt understand for ages why he kept calling me 'didi' (big sister) as I was blatantly younger than his 60 or so years.. but I was told it is a mark of respect by him, so I had to make a joke with him about that...

OH and lastly, I am gutted that I never got a picture of Chimsi in her best outfit (which I am sad to say i have never seen since)  - brightly coloured sari wrapped around her waist, scruffy trainers, bandana (see the one she is sporting above) and a blue tshirt that just said 'David Beckham' on it. Amazing, you got to love her...


Posted via email from AURA QUE