AURA QUE is not just about the finished products; its about the fair trade producers and their families that I work directly with, the constant challenges working in Nepal, as well as all the people I meet on my travels....

5 August 2010

Think I jinxed it, I got caught in the monsoon rain...

I think my last post must have jinxed me, because today i got caught on my cycle in the monsoon...not fun! The rain pelts at you and even my lovely knee-length mac doesn't seem to do much against it!

It reminded me of something I had said to an old work colleague about working in Nepal - I was trying to describe the difference I find between Nepal and the west... and the first thing that came into my head (I had just come back from a visit same time last year) was about what happens during monsoon rain.  Basically the roads go quiet, with most of the motorbike drivers getting off their bikes and waiting in shelter on the side of the road for the rain to stop. Can you imagine this happening in the UK? Everyone needs to get some where fast!

I remember noticing this when I was madly cycling to a meeting in the rain, determined to fit as many things into my day as possible. And it made me smile - in Nepal, most people are not in a rush, without any sense of urgency - why not stop for awhile and watch the rain, or have a chai?

So when this came back to me today, i stopped cycling and did as the Nepalese do, and had a tea break and watched the rain fall....

Posted via email from AURA QUE