AURA QUE is not just about the finished products; its about the fair trade producers and their families that I work directly with, the constant challenges working in Nepal, as well as all the people I meet on my travels....

8 January 2012

Weaving our popular Black/White Geometric fabric - its complicated stuff!!

On New Years Day, instead of the usual family activities, I went on a trip to visit our Jacquard woven fabric producer outside the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal.

This fabric in the striped black/white design that I chose, has been really popular with buyers and customers alike, so I wanted to find out how this fabric was produced.


The cotton yarn is woven onto spindles (see below) using a variety of home made devices!


The geometric patterns are created with a series of metal plates with holes punched into them.  Each plate makes up a series of lines of the pattern, so when they are linked together in different combinations, they make up the various patterns.  Its a really complicated process!


Once the right combination of plates have been secured together, and the loom has been set up, the shuttle is pulled side to side to build up the fabric.  The cloth is made by hand, so is a time consuming job!


AURA QUE will be looking at developing some new geometric designs, as well as a variety of colourful options for our summer collection - look out for them!

Posted via email from AURA QUE